#4 Space Invaders: Co-ops
Thursday 19 Sept 2024, 18.30-21.00
The Brixton Project
International House, Canterbury Crescent,SW9 7QD, (map)
FREE - All Welcome!
Tickets available here
#3 Space Invaders: Food & Health
Wednesday 10 July 2024, 18.30-21.00
The Brixton Project
International House, Canterbury Crescent,SW9 7QD, (map)
FREE - All Welcome!
From the Global to the Local.
Health and Food Systems: Reform or
Community health and food
systems are central to any ideas
about community sustainability or
sustainable communities.
But increasingly, these systems are
being mediated and dominated by
multinational corporations that are
mainly focused on maximising profits
for their directors and shareholders.
How can local community-based
values and actions disrupt the
powerful and costly presence and
grip of global health and food giants?
In what ways can community-
focused approaches help to reform or
transform our health and food systems
to better serve the needs of ALL
members of our communities?
In this third session of Spaces of
Hope: There Are Many Alternatives,
we look at the many ways community-
driven relocalisation efforts in our
health and food systems are crucial for
justice and the environment from the
local to the global and vice versa.
#2 Space Invaders: The Right to Housing and Sustainable Community Spaces
Friday 07 June 2024, 18.30-21.00
The Brixton Project
International House, Canterbury Crescent,SW9 7QD, (map)
FREE - All Welcome!
From high streets to housing - throughout our cities, towns, and communities - use of and access to space is driven by market forces.
This relentless pursuit of profit happens at the expense of progressive ideas such as liveable streets and community cohesion, as competition sidelines cooperation. Class divisions are widened, so too racial, religious and ethnic tensions in a storm of inequalities and alienation.
There is, clearly, an urgent need for change. And if our cities, towns, and community spaces have been imagined and made over time, then they can surely be reimagined and remade.
In this second session of Spaces of Hope: There Are Many Alternatives, we will hear from some radical 'space invaders' about their experiences in reclaiming and reimagining cooperative communities, focusing on housing and community spaces.
Grace Lally - Housing Rebellion
Alexandre Apsan Frediani - International Institute for Environment & Development
Parisa Wright - Greener & Cleaner
Phoenix - Climate Emergency
Centre Network
#1 Spaces of Hope: There Are Many Alternatives
Friday 26 April 2024, 18.30-21.00
International House, Canterbury Crescent,SW9 7QD, (map)
No matter who we are, where we live or where we come from, most of us work hard to care for ourselves and our loved ones.
Today though, things feel tougher than ever. Inequality is growing, society is polarised, and the government just serves up more of the same, while big business runs off with all the money.
It's clear things have to change. Yet we are constantly being told the direction of progress is known, that there is no alternative.
We disagree. The world is full of different paths and new possibilities.
Spaces of Hope: There Are Many Alternatives is a series of community conversations exploring how we want to live, and, crucially, how we can all get there.
The series is for everyone who has ever thought there must be a better way. It brings together disparate voices that cross cultures, and divides. People with lived experience of doing things differently; new perspectives and imaginative responses. Above all, practical strategies for the positive change we all want to see in society.
Spaces of Hope: There Are Many Alternatives kicks off on Friday 26 April 2024
The first session on imagination and Cuban alternatives will be followed by sessions on, for example, Housing & The Production of Community Spaces, Food & Health, Youth Affairs & Community Education (including migrant support?), Policing & Social Cohesion, Cooperative Communities: Money, Mutual Aid, etc.
The series will culminate with a Community Assembly and People's Action Plan, a half/full day event to discuss the most pressing issues in and around Brixton, and will aim to assist emergent working groups from the various previous sessions towards creating/pursuing many alternative futures/possibilities.
Spaces of Hope: There Are Many Alternatives is a collaboration between The Transition Town Brixton, What If Lambeth, and The Brixton Project with invitations to other contributors including, but not limited to: Advocacy Academy, Youth Futures, XR Lambeth, Brixton Mint, UB Lambeth, PELICAN, GJN, PRALER, iied, Housing Rebellion, Climate Emergency Centres Network, and many others...
TTB Shared Space Open Evening
Monday 2 July, 2021 - 6-9pm, at the Loughborough Centre, 105 Angell Road, (junction with Barrington Road), SW9 7PD, (map)
Usual delights, good food, skill share, an opportunity to meet TTB people and discuss ideas, projects, visions, issues, solutions. Brixton Energy will be meeting to work on Brixton Energy Solar 2, their second community owned solar project, to be installed on the Loughborough Estate before August 1 and the setting up of Repowering South London to spread the learning and promote?other renewable.
Lambeth Sustainability Forum
Tuesday 3 July, Transition Centre, 6-8 Robsart St, SW9 0DJ, (off Brixton Road, opp The Jamm) map
A gathering of people who care about sustainability in Lambeth to dialogue with Lambeth Council on making it a reality.
This forum used to be convened by Lambeth, was upgraded to a Cabinet Advisory Panel and then deleted in the cuts. TTB, Transition Streatham, The Onion Shed and various local Climate Action Networks have decided to reconvene it. Lambeth is keen for this to happen and Cllr Lib Peck, cabinet member for Strategic Housing and Sustainability has agreed to attend the Forum. We are still working out how this will work. Come and get involved. This is an important way to influence Lambeth.
Agenda includes: how can we ensure that the ?500m spend on upgrading Lambeth's housing over the next few years will yield significant energy saving and create future liveable homes. We hope to get sight of the council's workstream for the next few cabinet meetings and set our future agendas accordingly. We would also like to get some 'quick wins' and have some ideas. Bring your own. Please RSVP?if you can or just turn up.
PS we are also working with Lambeth on a number of fronts, with the Brixton Neighbourhood Forum on developing a Neighbourhood Plan under the Localism Bill. See discussion of recent meeting here. Also on the Cooperative Council and the Future Brixton regeneration (see below).
Who Feeds Lambeth?
TTB attended an excellent event on Thursday 21 June to begin a food strategy for Lambeth. It was convened by Incredible Edible Lambeth, the alliance of the 140+ community growing projects in Lambeth and facilitated by Food Matters. 80 people heard inspiring presentations about Brighton and Hove's food strategy and local growing projects before working in small groups to look at food issues in Lambeth and then what we can do about them - before prioritising those actions to begin to evolve a food strategy for Lambeth. Discussion was fuelled by truly delicious local food, all prepared and grown within Lambeth. The results will be written up by Food Matters as the first steps towards a food strategy. Pictures, discussion and updates available on Project Dirt.
Some of you may remember TTB's Future of our Food Open Space event in 2009. There is an amazing TTB Food Facts resource here. If you would like to get updates from and even involved with the TTB Food and Growing Group please email ttbfood@gmail.com.
TTB founder member wins Lambeth Champion award.
Duncan Law was made a Lambeth Champion in May for his work on Transition Town Brixton. He said he accepted the award on behalf of the innumerable amazing people he feels privileged to work with who have dedicated huge commitment, genius and energy to visioning, planning and pioneering a BETTER low energy future in Brixton and by extension the world - which is watching. Projects like the Brixton Pound, the Remakery, Brixton Energy, are rethinking the way we do everything and breaking new ground so that others can follow. He is proud to live here and to have been an early part of this fastest growing global movement for positive change.
None at moment